Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It seems that these late hours of the night are the ones that I am most thankful for what my Heavenly father has given, I have time to sit in quiet (a rarity in this house) and think....

I am thankful for a wonderful husband who drives me equally insane with passion and love as he does flat out insane! I would not trade a day with him for one-without. I feel like he is the best partner I could have ever hoped for, Aric puts on a great game face to navigate this crazy life we call ours! Together we have a very blessed life, full of family and friends, a beautiful home, the gospel, and our 2 wonderful boys.

I would not be a mother without my two monsters. They are truly my morning and my night. Without them my world would not turn. I love everyday that I am given to watch them learn and grow, and sometimes I like to think that I have had something to do with their greatness! I am living my dream, I will not lie about that. I have wanted nothing more than to be a Mom, and manage home and family. Yes, some days are hard, and sometimes I don't sleep ( due to reading twilight....) and yes sometimes there is poop on my floor (today...) but Clayton's big eyes and Dylan's cheesy grin make it all worth it.

I am so blessed!

1 comment:

Ty said...

So good to see your doing so well!!