Friday, April 17, 2009

if it was good, why not great

I think I should start keeping score.. but if i live to tell the tale that may be enough! Today was good.. close enough to great to count. I am truly blessed to be able to love my boys. Clay was great, Dylan was cute. My best moments today were on the couch, yes i let myself sit down, and had a mid-day read with the boys and the neighbor girl i watch... an entire 30 minutes. Do you know how many red fish blue fish books that is! Nearly perfect! Clayton can pick out the word fish, off of the page, and Dylan can tell you what most of the books are called or what they are about by looking at the cover.
I didn't make it to the gym today, but I think I am still breathing, so I will not dwell on that loss. I had a scentsy party tonight, and it went great. I really enjoy it, nothing in particular, or maybe just that it is going well and that I am good at it. It is hard to know if I am good at something anymore, as Mothering is sort of an abstract event! Aric just walked into the kitchen from working on the car and said, "life is good" we measure it differently at times! But love it just the same!
I love this life!

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